In one of the "uttermost" parts of the world, God is miraculously saving and changing people. As Quechua believers work with missionaries to grow new churches in the remote villages, they ask for more workers to come and join the work. God desires to grow them up in Christ-likeness, reflecting His holiness and wisdom.
The Quechua people of the Cotahuasi (Coat-a-wa-see) Canyon live high in the remote Andes Mountains of Peru. Situated in some of the most rugged terrain on earth, (in the deepest canyon in the world), this people group was left unreached until about 2001 when our family was invited to help serve a small, struggling group of isolated Christians. Soon, a few of these faithful believers joined us in the work to reach out to their lost people. Over the last few years, God has demonstrated His power through saving some of these formerly hopeless people, giving them new life in Jesus Christ.
The Lord has called others and has given us the privilege of training and supporting a solid team of local Quechua missionaries as we serve together in planting churches with them. We are so grateful.
We serve them with Biblical theological education, discipleship modeled after Christ's examples, and "on the job training" as we plant churches together in more remote areas. Quechua believers working with missionaries from other countries make this a multi-cultural team that is seriously committed and dedicated to serve Jesus Christ for His glory!
But, there are over 17,000 people scattered out in about 40 different isolated villages. How will God provide for reaching all of these areas? Many areas are inaccessible by road and must be visited by trail using mules or by hiking. The work is laborious and slow. Wisdom to use time and resources is needed. Helpful tools can help enable His servants. More laborers are necessary. Will you pray for this harvest and how you might participate with us?
As you consider praying about partnering with us, please ask the Lord of the Harvest to accomplish His sovereign will among the Quechua people, in His way and in His timing. We want to be mindful that as we worship Him through serving Him in this ministry, our goal is His glory. He has said that He delights in using weak and unattractive things to confound the world’s wisdom. This can embarrass the strength of the humanly strong and humble us. By his grace and goodness, He is teaching us that misguided efforts and ministry methods that are not grounded in God's word will not serve His plan for the nations. May He receive the glory that He deserves! We ask Him to help us trust Him more to save and call the workers He desires for taking in His harvest.
Christ has commanded that we go and make disciples, and this means that Christ has called all Christians to participate. We are commanded, and commissioned to lay down our lives to love and obey Christ, so that the Gospel might be preached to every person under heaven. Each follower of Jesus Christ is somehow involved. So, what is your part in trusting and obeying Him in the great commission?
Not unlike the Cotahuasi Canyon, throughout the world there are many spiritually deep and dark canyons for those who obey Christ and take His saving gospel into all of the word. Sometimes as Christians give their lives in obedience to the Savior, it means entering into difficult situations. Through prayer, giving, or going, each of us has the privilege of participating in God's great plan for the world. Whether we will give our life to go down into the deep valleys, or support others by holding the rope for others to climb down and offer the gospel to the lost, either way, the same love and obedience to Christ is required. And the hope is to give our Lord and Savior glory.
Brad and Gina Shaw have served with SIM since 1997.
They are a part of a growing ministry team in Cotahuasi
Bio: The Shaws have served the Lord in Peru since 1999. They live and minister in the Cotahuasi Canyon in the south of the country, where the La Union Quechua people live in small and scattered villages.
In 1985, Brad and Gina were working as Park Rangers in Alaska, enjoying God's creation and looking forward to settling into adventurous lives there. But, through their church and learning more of the scriptures, God began to show them the reality and lostness of many people who had never had the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their first brief cross-cultural ministry experience serving Athabaskan Native Americans in northern Alaska further served to open their eyes to God's heart and calling to "Go and make disciples". After finding training opportunities for short term missionary service, they obeyed the Lord and went to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico, where they saw suffering people in spiritual confusion and grinding poverty. Learning how to compassionately share the gospel and provide health care, they saw the Lord use them for His glory. Later as they continued to pursue ways that they could grow and serve the Lord, Brad studied medicine with the goal to provide health care ministry in developing countries. In 2001 they began pioneering a new work to reach the La Union Quechua people. Currently, they are involved with discipleship, church planting, compassion care, gospel radio station, and preparing future Christian leaders to serve the Lord in the new churches in the Cotahuasi Canyon and beyond.
For further information, please contact them through the "contact page".
General information about serving in missions around the world is available at:
14830 Choate Circle
Charlotte, NC 28273